Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Hello Friends, how re you doing today?Great i guess?It my privilege to introduce to you three 3 powerful  secret Job directories i discovered lately.
Here are three of my powerful secret  job "directories". These are places where you can find jobs -- if you know how.
They are unknown to most people -- or, if folks do know about them, they're overlooked (either way, to the savvy, opportunities are ripe for the picking).
There's no tease today, no big build-up.
BUT -- there is one crucial caveat, which I'll tell you about at the end. (Make sure you read it, otherwise you might not know how to use these resources.)
Here they are:
#1 -- Chambers of Commerce (and trade organizations)
The more local organizations list their members in an online directory, sometimes with a contact name. Guess what? Many of these members are hiring -- if not formally, then they're at least looking for talent.
You need to find companies and organizations that are a good match for your skills, then reach out to them and see if they're interested.
(More on this in a moment -- remember my caveat.)
This is still a GREAT resource for job opportunities. You can drill down into different towns and cities, or by different professions.
It's one of those websites that should be on your "radar" -- you need to keep coming back and checking for new opportunities at least once per week. Jobs move here.
#3 -- MeetUp.com
Now, before you start throwing your rotten fruit my way, let me say really quickly: YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANY "NETWORKING".
Here's the deal:
Look for professional meetups in your area where people with similar skills to yours go to socialize and network. What many folks -- and, until recently, myself included -- don't realize is that recruiters often turn up to these events and announce job openings, or you'll have hiring managers asking their team members to "poach" people from these peer groups.
You just need to turn up, lurk in the background while people make these announcements at the beginning or end of the meetings, and then approach them later on when it's more quiet and relaxed.
There you have it -- three overlooked/unknown resources for finding new job opportunities. Add these to your list, and I'm confident they'll help you find your dream job even faster.
Before you go out and give them a look through...
I said there's a caveat.
What you absolutely do NOT want to do is treat these resources like job boards, where you send in your resume and wait to hear back.
Because if you do that, you'll be treated like an "applicant" and your resume will be put "on file" where it will lie forgotten (i.e. the black hole).
There's a better way to approach these hiring managers -- one where you'll be treated like a talented professional rather than a piece of livestock, one where you get to skip the whole HR process and go straight to the interview.
I show you how to reach out to hiring managers cold, win their respect and trust quickly, and then have them line you up as their next hire -- without you asking for a job, or hinting that you're "currently seeking new opportunities".
You can learn more about this program here


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